Milonga Festival - Torun 2023

19:00 - 0:00
Milonga Zodiakalna Raka, Towarzystwo Naukowe (Wysoka 16)
TDJ: Krzysztof Rumiński, Toruń

10:15 - 11:45
Milonga Mercurio Aires, Flash-mob
TDJ: Michał Kaczmarek, Poznań/BB

12:00 - 16:00
Milonga Tu i teraz, Towarzystwo Naukowe (Wysoka 16)
TDJ: Robert Kandefer, Warszawa

18:00 - 2:00
Milonga Piernikowa, Dwór Artusa (Rynek Staromiejski 6)
TDJ: Igoris Saburov, Wilno
TDJ: Roberto Rampini, Mediolan

Friday July 7

Saturday July 8

Sunday July 9

09:30 - 11:00
Gingerbread Breakfast, Wejściówka (Plac Teatralny 1)
- real breakfast, no milonga, registration required

10:15 - 11:45
Milonga Mercurio Aires, Flash-mob
TDJ: Michał Kaczmarek, Poznań/BB

12:00 - 17:00
Milonga Piernikowe Południe, Dwór Artusa (Rynek Staromiejski 6)
TDJ: Łukasz Tango, Biskupice (Poznań)

19:00 -
Milonga Mercurio, Wejściówka (Plac Teatralny 1)
TDJ: Peter Stefanics (Gdańsk/Budapeszt)

Changes in the program, minor time adjustments and the addition of new attractions are possible.

Will you join?


  • Pre-sale of tickets takes place only for Milonga Gingerbread and Gingerbread Noon in accordance with the current custom. You can buy a pass for both Milongas at the Artus Court. The number of tickets is limited.

  • Other milongas (Zodiac, Tu i teraz (Here and now), Mercurio) are payable in cash at the entrance. There is no full pass for all milongas

  • Ukrainian citizens have free admission to all milongas

  • Those born under the sign of Cancer (according to the Milonga rule) have free admission to the Zodiac Milonga